Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
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(Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz~private ~530-514-8491 in /out)
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(San Francisco Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
*Naughtie & Ti*ght Exotic White Girl * 80/125/200 *+xtra 4 return clients(100% Me)!* - 36
(Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz~private ~530-514-8491 in /out)
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New Asian Girls 415-683-3245 ★ Asian Escort San Francisco ★ - 24
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Fri 03 Jan
**Naughtie & Tight Exotic White Girl* 80/125/200 *+xtra 4 return clients (100% me & real 38DDD's)!** - 37
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**Naughtie & Tight Exotic White Girl* 80/125/200 *+xtra 4 return clients (100% me & real 38DDD's)!** - 37
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***Naughty &T;*ght Exotic White Girl * 100/125/200 * (100% Me) or it's free & Real 38 DDD's*** - 37
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5 star FiLiPiNA & SPANiSH miXXXed beauty | UPSCALE companionship at its FiNEST ! - 22
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Thu 02 Jan
*Naughtie & Ti*ght Exotic White Girl * 80/125/200 +xtra discount 4 return clients(100% me)* - 36
(Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Private In/Out 530-514-8491)