Sun 26 Jan
S p E c i A L T r E a T 4 y O u ! - 24
(♥BURE // SF♥)
Limitless PLEASURE with NO DISAPPOINTMENTS!! Young , Wild & Willing !!!!! - 21
HONEY Caramel Blonde-Huge 44F BOOBS, Small Waist. .... Visiting SSF.... - 29
Hot German/Spanish blonde bombshell visiting SFO and SF! - 23
(San Francisco, SFO / Millbrae / Bure / SF / Daly)
♡♥♡ COME GET IT ϖ sexy exotic girl next door sassy,nasty and classy - 20
(San Francisco, downtown sf,daly city,bure,)
° °•★•° ° CALIFORNIA'S •:*• ☆ ¨*:• HIGHLY• :*★¨*: •ADDICTIVE•: *¨•☆* - - - - 19
(San Francisco, SF Airport, bure)
As a gentleman you deserve to get what you want. - 33
(San Francisco, Entire Bay Area, Wine Country and Delta)
As a gentleman you deserve to get what you want. - 33
(East Bay, Richmond, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, SF, Entire Bay Area, Wine Country, Delta)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
oX ___GoRgEoUs___ hAzeL eYeS ( *34ddd bOmbsHeLl * )___ nEw__ ( *1OO% REAL* )____ Xo - 24
(San Francisco, ♥ incalls &outcalls;)
Puerto Rican & Creole Mixed Mami In The SFO/Bure Area!1oo%REAL PICS & Highly Reviewed - 20
(SFO/Bure/San Francisco)
Exotic Sensual Companion ADRIENNE AMOUR visiting 6/10: Gentlemen only please - 25
(San Francisco, Bure| South SF (airport| Penis)
( *AVAILABLE NOW* )*Magan(Well Reviewed) Ebony Playmate*( 8o*EARLY BIRD Special* ) - 24
Sat 11 Jan
💋 Stunning Exotic Blonde Filipina & Brazilian 👍👠👜👑🎀🍭🍉🍒💦👱 Well Reviewed! Tonight Only! - 23
(San Francisco, Sfo bure /SF/San mateo)
♡♥♡ COME GET IT ϖ sexy exotic girl next door sassy,nasty and classy - 20
(San Francisco, downtown sf,daly city,bure,)
❌⭕️❌⭕️💕STUNNING European Mami💎 EYE Candy ✨ Sexy & Seductive💕💕 - 22
(San Francisco, SF/ San Rafael/ Bure)
UNRUSHED OUTCALLS~ *~Hotel's & Private Residence SoC L A S S Y S oH O T S oK I N K Y-- - 24
(San Francisco, SF► 24/7 (((O U T C A L L ))))
SFO// / iNcALL » » B OOT Y » » L O VE » RS»Sf O// / iNcAL L - 24
(SFO:::::: A.I.R.P.O.R.T:::::::::::INCALL)
I'm Back !!!_____ NEW * NEW * NEW SMOKIN Hot Blonde !! 100 % ME or FREE TAN.TONED. PERFECT 10 *** - 24
(IN/Bure *SF AIRPRT*DWNTWN*suburbs)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P ______ B_A_B_Y _____ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - - - 23
(SFO/South sanfrancisco)
Fri 10 Jan
SPeCiaLS•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• SiNFuLLy SeDUCTiVE •-:¦:-•*SPeCiaLs - 22
(San Francisco, Outcall]SF,Daly City,Pacifica,Bure)
OuTcAllS (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) FiNeSt (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) ChOcOlAtE & DoMINiCaN SwIrL(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) OuTcALLs - 24
(San Francisco, Outcalls)) HOTEL's and PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
💋Your favorite Exotic from RB Angie Augustine is back! Highly reveiwed!💋100Qh 160Hh 240Fh - 22
(San Francisco, Bure South Sf upscale)
You will love E V E R Y T H I N G about me! *Flexible, Sexy, &Slippery;* CALL NOW !! - 23
(San Francisco, Sf incall, outcalls to sf sfo pen bure)
(SFO► 24/7 (I N/O U T C A L L ))))
((((BIG B@@TY GIRL ALERT))))) ---SeXXieSt EbOnY / DoMinIcAN--FrE@k --@lways N@@uGhTy & SeXy! - 24
(San Francisco, ???(SF)?NOW?(ANYTiME)???=OUTCALLS)
Blonde Latina HOLLY Visiting. from Vegas. (510)240-9266 ...Available. for Outcalls All Night - 22
(San Francisco, San Francisco/ Daly City)
Thu 09 Jan
*(( hazel eyes !! * CLASSY!! ❤ pLaYfUL &DeCaDenT; 💋👑 The Ultimate girLfriEnd! 💄👙 - 26
(San Mateo, Upscale Suite Incall &Outcall;)
► Dt ouR H r NoW ► HOT Domi nican/Ebony M I XD PLA Y MAT! ! Sp ciaLs - 24
As a gentleman you deserve to get what you want. - 33
(East Bay, Entire Bay Area, Wine Country and Delta)
XTRA Kinky WITHOUT LIMITS!! Blonde Nursing Student Paying My Way Through School :) - 22
(San Francisco, SF, SFO,BURE, PEN, OUTCALLS All over)
♥:: • [ FLaWL€sS ] • ♥:: • [ S€DuCT!v€ ] • ♥:: • [ UNFoRG€TTaBL€ ]:. - 21
(San Francisco, Millbrae Belmont Redwood city Outcalls)
Petite Asian Barbie, 36D**Specials** - 20
(South San Francisco, south san francisco/ sf airport area)
* - * Puerto Rican Mixed French Blonde Ready to Quench Your Thirst * - * - 19
Lonely, Stressed or Just looking For Fun Let Me Fix That! - 23
(San Mateo, SFO/Peninsula/Bure & SF OUTCALLS)
(( EBONY/DOMINICAN )) --(( SUPER B(OYO)TY )) --(( Sexy K-I-T-T-Y )) -- SF|SFO|SAN MATEO!! - 24
(San Francisco, HOTEL'S=?►((PRIVATE RESIDENCE?24/7)
!EXoTic TReaT (* K *)_(* I *)_(* N *)_(* K *)_ (* Y *) a VaiLab LenOw! - 24
(San Francisco, ???(AVAiLABLE)?NOW?(ANYTiME)???=OUTCALLS)
Wed 08 Jan
As a gentleman you deserve to get what you want. - 33
(East Bay, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, SF, Entire Bay Area, Wine Country, Delta)
Exotic Sensual Companion ADRIENNE AMOUR visiting 4/16: Gentlemen only please - 25
(San Francisco, Bure| South SF (airport| Penis)
Tue 07 Jan
🍒eXoTiC DrEaM Girl💕 ¤ 💕 GoRgEoUs aNd FuN!! CALL ME🍒 - 26
(San Mateo, Bure, San Mateo, Peninsula, SFO)
SPECIALS ___EBONY vixen• —°x°—— •SPECIALS• ——°x°—— •IM THE ONE• —°x°—— •YOU WANT & NEED• —°x - 23
(San Francisco, SF , SanBRUNO Bure Milbrae)
- - - - - - > SEXY * THICK * BBW POLYNESIAN TREAT * Visiting 4 Limited Time Only < - - - - - - - - 24
{{{ __ OUTCALLS __ }}} S .U.P.E.R B.O.O.T.Y == MiXED HOTTIE {{{ .. ( e ):x::oT.i.C. ..EyE CaNdY}}} - 24
(San Francisco, ?( SF Bay Area)? ?(ANYTiME)???=OUTCALLS)
(( EBONY/DOMINICAN )) --(( SUPER B(OYO)TY )) --(( Sexy K-I-T-T-Y )) -- OUTCALLS ALL OVER !! - 24
(San Francisco, HOTEL'S=?►((PRIVATE RESIDENCE?24/7)
Young, WILD & willing ! Limitless PLEASURE with NO DISAPPOINTMENTS!! - 21
Mon 06 Jan
As a gentleman you deserve to get what you want. - 33
(San Francisco, Entire Bay Area, Wine Country and Delta)
{SfO InCaLLs } } B IG B (O )( O )TY {*P L A Y M A T E *} {{D O M I N I C A N }} {{2 G i R l}} - 24
(({{*outcall::::::::incall}}) SfO AiRpOrT)
{{{ __ OUTCALLS TOO__}}} S .U.P.E.R B.O.O.T.Y == MiXED HOTTIE {{{ .. ( e ):x::oT.i.C. ..EyE CaNdY}}} - 24
(San Francisco, ???(SF)?NOW?(ANYTiME)???=OUTCALLS)
°★ °o° E X C L U S I V E in T O W N PrE T y & BusTy SFO AIRPORT °★° - 21
(San Mateo / SFO AIRPORT / Bure)
No drama. The respite that your & mind body craves ! Help a super distressed damsel !! Your pleasure - 28
(your hotel / home / where you are)
LOOK !! > M E S M E R i Z i N G! (((Ebony/ Dominican))) (::) SEXY (* BIG B(OYO)TY*) (::) FRE@K - 24
(San Francisco, Outcalls)) HOTEL's and PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
LIMITED TIME ONLY📞 (415)532-9357💋 Filipina ! - 21
(San Francisco, SFO Daly City San Bruno San Mateo)
Let Us Explore One Another In A Fun Passion Way (Latina/Filapina Doll) - 19
(San Francisco, South SF/Bure/Millbrae)
► ☑ BUSTY (* Petite *) (o)(o) * (TREAT)☑ INCALLS & OUTCALLS! - 21
(San Francisco, 24/7 SF SSF SAN MATEO)
★1OO% REAL 2 GIRLS👅💦 Juicy PETIT£ Ashlee👸 BLONDE 🍓★SuPeR Sweet Spinner🍭 - 27
(San Francisco, San Francisco 💋💋)
💕Young, Tight, & Sexy waiting to see you (early bird gets the worm) 💕 - 20
(San Mateo, South sf, San Mateo, Bure)
Sexy Blonde Ready to Play(just dyed my hair blonde! In your Area Today & night. Call me - 20
💗 New 💗💎Maxim Type Bombshell💎💋 Who Wants To Play With Me💋♥ Loves G®EEK - 25
(San Francisco, SF/Bay Area incall/outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
You will love E V E R Y T H I N G about me! *Flexible, Sexy, &Slippery;* CALL NOW !! - 23
(San Francisco, Sf incall, outcalls to sf sfo pen bure)
🌺Exotic Islander 💖 outcalls only 💖 San Mateo - San Francisco area - 26
(San Mateo, Bure Sfo San Francisco Mateo Bruno Daly)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» DELiCiOUS L A T i N A Treat 4 U *BEAUTiFUL & SEXY »--(¯`v´¯)-» $100 specials - 21
(San Francisco, BURE. Peninsula Incall & Outcalls)
BuSTY.... BiG BooTY.... CARaMEL BBW OF YOuR DREaMS::::::::: {NEW To Area Up Late} - 23
Sat 04 Jan
XTRA Kinky WITHOUT LIMITS!! Blonde Nursing Student Paying My Way Through School :) - 22
(San Francisco, SF, SFO,BURE, PEN, OUTCALLS All over)
1OO% ME★ !!SuPeR Hott & Blonde BoMbSHeLL! ★ 1OO% me dont be fooled by the rest~ - 21
(Millbrae*Bure* south SF)
Fri 03 Jan
O.U.T.C.A.L.L.S (BAD )—•—( E X O T I C )—• —( DOMIN ICAN ) —•—( B I G)—• ( B O O T Y )—•—(FR3@K ) - 24
(San Francisco, Outcalls)) HOTEL's and PRIVATE RESIDENCE)
❤️❤️ Gentlemen's #1⃣Choice💟SexY💋 Mixed💋 Knockout 👊💋💋 - 21
(San Francisco, Sf Airport Milbrae Bure in/outcall)
B.i.G. B.o.O.t.Y.= = ► ((= EBONY/DOMI NICAN F.R.E. A.K. = ))= =(( SF OuTcaLLs ))◄== - 24
In dire straits. Avail until 8:30 peninsula (your home /hotel ) , midnight (south bay) , palo alto - 28
(convenience of comfort YOUR hotel / home)
Thu 02 Jan
~~New Arrived~Sexy Pretty Sweet girl~Mimi & Special Services! ~100% Real~~ - 25 - 25
(San Mateo, San Mateo /Foster City/Bure)
💦 Juicy Hips💦Hot Lips👄💋 Tight n Right💥Super Freaky❤️Amazing Skills👄 - 22
(San Mateo, SFO, Millsbrae, Bure, South SF)